Blog Posts

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The latest from our team at Hertz Schram, where we provide our clients with the bold,
forward-thinking and uncommonly creative legal solutions they deserve.

Undue Influence and the Presumption of Undue Influence

  “There is a benefit to clarity. Certainly, the fog surrounding how to apply a common law presumption of undue influence in jurisdictions, such as Michigan, needs to be lifted. This fog will not dissipate on its own and neither will the uncertainty concerning the definition of undue influence. Whether

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Five Common Mistakes with “Do It Yourself” Estate Plans

By Attorney Laurie Raab Because of the pandemic, many people have become aware of the importance of creating or updating their estate planning documents. It may be tempting to create your own documents. Whether you are considering writing your own Last Will and Testament or using an online “do it

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Don’t Risk it: Protect Your Finances From Coronavirus Complications

By Hertz Schram Many Americans spend a lot of time and effort in managing their finances. While most are worried about how the coronavirus (COVID-19) will impact their income—whether that’s because they are temporarily furloughed, find themselves suddenly without a job, or watching their investment and retirement accounts dwindle—there is

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